Andy Flisher, Indie App developer, and home of Xyroh

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Took advantage of the weather and out with the #snow dogs

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A subset of the new world rugby law book (keep reading, gets better as you go down!) 🤣 The alternative rugby rule book: welcome to the Breakdown laws

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Best make the most of this, first time ever top of the pile. Amazing what you can do with a bit more time on your hands!

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Always a worry when I find myself agreeing with Austin Healey, but yes, re-empower referees to make decisions, gut reactions, and the mistakes that go with it apple news

Rugby is now full of cheating and underhand tactics are threatening to engulf the game – it has to stop – The Telegraph

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Jeremy Corbyn annual anyone?!?

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I take the education of my children very seriously, so we’re watching Mannequin 😂

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Husky + Icy Paths = bruised arse 🤭

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Shiny new bike day!

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All I can say is it’s a good job I know how to put mountain bikes (plural) together! #spoiltkids #daddywantsadrink

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Wife bought red glittery wrapping paper. I’m crap at wrapping things. Now everything is red and glittery 😎