Andy Flisher, Indie App developer, and home of Xyroh

Blueberry and Jalapeno Margueritas

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Set’s alarm for 01:45 😴🛫 #fb

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Covered most of the pitch!

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Full House – wouldn’t say i’ve done any of these well, but have now watched, coached, played, and reffed a match in the DMP Arena #fb

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First appointment tomorrow, brushing up #homework

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No matter how long the lead, he’s always at the far end, pulling!

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And with that click OTC prep is done, can possibly relax for the weekend now – and pack! #fb

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Cole wants a BMX for Christmas, i’ve ordered him to watch BMX Bandits as training! #fb

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Egg Hunt (I’m not allowed to play 😰🥚

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Kid’s not fighting!

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