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All I can say is it’s a good job I know how to put mountain bikes (plural) together! #spoiltkids #daddywantsadrink
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Wife bought red glittery wrapping paper. I’m crap at wrapping things. Now everything is red and glittery 😎
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26 – 0 to @mowdenpark and 5pts – not a bad start to Christmas !
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Today mostly involves beer 🍻, rugby 🏉 and Christmas jumpers 🎄. Oh, and some civilised conversation and maybe a little poetry too 🤔🤣
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#AllGoneWrong – first day of hols and a sickness bug has hit the house, Cole out for the count, plans for the day awry, and my brother has had his car window put in 🤬
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Refreshing before catch the new one on sat The Force Awakens
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Done me some voting at the @Mowdenpark EGM, now to fast forward to the 2022 season and see where we are!
Apple to ban Xamarin and Phone Gap Apps? (Updated)
We knew that Apple was looking to improve the quality of the app store by rejecting templated apps (auto generated, change name, colour, logo – here’s your app type stuff) but this tweet (screen shotted below) seems to suggest that Apple are also going after the cross platform / alternative language app frameworks such as Xamarin (now a Microsoft company) and Phonegap
For those that don’t know or understand this sort of thing, iOS apps are written in Objective C or Swift, Phonegap allows you to use Javascript and Xamarin allows you to use C# (or F#) which basically means a whole load more developers can jump into mobile app development with a familiar language. These frameworks also allow you to create Android and Windows Phone app versions from the same set of code (or near enough), so for a developer you get double the output – a good thing for productivity! There is an argument that this reduces the quality of the app (which Apple don’t want), and certainly with Phonegap (not my thing) you lose out on Native user interface elements which is a problem for the user experience, but with Xamarin you get native look, feel, and API calls so a very high quality product is achievable – certainly not an easy win.
Do I think this will happen? No, at time of posting this has come from one source only, and it seems very un-apple like to name names in an email without backing it up within their published guidelines and the developer community, and from memory the app factory clamp down was mentioned at WWDC last year. Not sure why someone would want to fabricate this (are twitter retweets that valuable?), but watch this space, it’s creating some interesting conversation if nothing else. Beyond all else, Unity uses mono (the engine beneath Xamarin), so Apple want to kick money making Unity games out?
Personally, making it easier to creative native feeling and native operating apps in an environment and with tooling I’m used to is a good thing, I don’t think Apple are that hard up that they need all iOS devs to be buying iMac Pros and living in Xcode – however if anyone wants to buy me one? 🙂 ……
Being claimed as fake over at 9to5mac
A screenshot of an email being circulated around the internet in the last day supposedly revealed new strict app review policies. We have confirmed with sources that this email is not legitimate communication and does not reflect a real Apple policy decision.
You can read their diagnosis over at…