Photography Archives - Page 51 of 66 - Andy Flisher, Indie App developer, and home of Xyroh


My Photography Collection

It’s not that big #SecondMostObviousPhotoToTake

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Could be just me, but that tower in the distance, is it wonky? 🤔

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When in Italy! 🍷

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View for pre-drinks

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One from the other night, 6 second exposure. Moon in the middle, Venus to the bottom right and Jupiter to the top left.

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Another tough night in Italy, got our own Tuscan chef cooking for us tonight (and yes, it’s shite shirt night!)

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A few from our trip out to Siena, full gallery over at https://flickr.com/photos…


A few from our trip around Florence and the Duomo, full gallery over at https://flickr.com/photos…

Been on the go since before 7am this morning and seen approximately 0.7% of Florence – kids and parents fried – pool day tomorrow

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Night, night

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