
For the eleventy-first year in a row the king of “car jenga“ reigns supreme #packed #wheredoesthedoggo 🏕

For the eleventy-first year in a row the king of “car jenga“ reigns supreme #packed #wheredoesthedoggo 🏕

For the eleventy-first year in a row the king of “car jenga“ reigns supreme #packed #wheredoesthedoggo 🏕

For the eleventy-first year in a row the king of “car jenga“ reigns supreme #packed #wheredoesthedoggo 🏕

From Instagram:…

Old man in the office issues, no one know’s who Bernard is 😢

Old man in the office issues, no one know’s who Bernard is 😢

From Twitter:…

I’m a big believer in “you get out what you put in” – Certainly fees like my team have been “putting in” for the last few weeks so here’s to that paying off. In the mean time, a day of winding down before a long weekend out in the sticks with family and friends #DND 🏕

I’m a big believer in “you get out what you put in” – Certainly fees like my team have been “putting in” for the last few weeks so here’s to that paying off.

In the mean time, a day of winding down before a long weekend out in the sticks with family and friends #DND 🏕

From Twitter:…

Covering up my lack of homework in the management meeting with gifts was a smooth move …. but now I have to 🏃‍♂️ about I’m thinking 🍩 for lunch and brekkie was a poor choice 😬

Covering up my lack of homework in the management meeting with gifts was a smooth move …. but now I have to 🏃‍♂️ about I’m thinking 🍩 for lunch and brekkie was a poor choice 😬

Covering up my lack of homework in the management meeting with gifts was a smooth move …. but now I have to 🏃‍♂️ about I’m thinking 🍩 for lunch and brekkie was a poor choice 😬

Covering up my lack of homework in the management meeting with gifts was a smooth move …. but now I have to 🏃‍♂️ about I’m thinking 🍩 for lunch and brekkie was a poor choice 😬

From Instagram:…

How long do you hang on to a Zoom call, with no other attendees before moving on, 10 mins, 15? #AskingForAFriend (After doing the obvious, right day / time / zoom link checks!)

How long do you hang on to a Zoom call, with no other attendees before moving on, 10 mins, 15? #AskingForAFriend

(After doing the obvious, right day / time / zoom link checks!)

From Twitter:…

Two zombified kids this morning so the grown ups escaped for a nice mooch around Seaham beach / harbour ⛱☀️🐕🍦

Two zombified kids this morning so the grown ups escaped for a nice mooch around Seaham beach / harbour ⛱☀️🐕🍦

From Instagram:…;

Two zombified kids this morning so the grown ups escaped for a nice mooch around Seaham beach / harbour ⛱☀️🐕🍦

Two zombified kids this morning so the grown ups escaped for a nice mooch around Seaham beach / harbour ⛱☀️🐕🍦

Two zombified kids this morning so the grown ups escaped for a nice mooch around Seaham beach / harbour ⛱☀️🐕🍦

Two zombified kids this morning so the grown ups escaped for a nice mooch around Seaham beach / harbour ⛱☀️🐕🍦

Two zombified kids this morning so the grown ups escaped for a nice mooch around Seaham beach / harbour ⛱☀️🐕🍦

Two zombified kids this morning so the grown ups escaped for a nice mooch around Seaham beach / harbour ⛱☀️🐕🍦

Come in number 77, your time is up! #youngdriver with @cflisher12 🚙

Come in number 77, your time is up! #youngdriver with @cflisher12 🚙

Come in number 77, your time is up! #youngdriver with @cflisher12 🚙

Come in number 77, your time is up! #youngdriver with @cflisher12 🚙

From Instagram:…

Wowzers, the gaffer signs off a positive message with the phrase “enjoy the sun” and now he’s getting lambasted for being irresponsible (externally), really? Why so negative 🤷‍♂️ Enjoy the sun folks, or avoid it, you have that choice, enjoy regardless 😋

Wowzers, the gaffer signs off a positive message with the phrase “enjoy the sun” and now he’s getting lambasted for being irresponsible (externally), really? Why so negative 🤷‍♂️

Enjoy the sun folks, or avoid it, you have that choice, enjoy regardless 😋

From Twitter:…

Stupid idea ☹️🥵🏃‍♂️

Stupid idea ☹️🥵🏃‍♂️

Stupid idea ☹️🥵🏃‍♂️

Stupid idea ☹️🥵🏃‍♂️

From Instagram:…

So tomorrow my team are on a half day for project work, we’re lucky enough to be able to start early / finish later and adapt to oddities like this as we need to Those of you that don’t have that flexibility, you have my thanks and sympathy – I owe you a cold one 👏 🍺 #hot

So tomorrow my team are on a half day for project work, we’re lucky enough to be able to start early / finish later and adapt to oddities like this as we need to

Those of you that don’t have that flexibility, you have my thanks and sympathy – I owe you a cold one 👏 🍺 #hot

From Twitter:…