

What’s the kerfuffle with GB News and advertisers about? Surely people have the choice to choose who to advertise with, just like we have the choice over what channel to watch? I’m sure people may disagree with those choices, but that’s life surely?

What’s the kerfuffle with GB News and advertisers about? Surely people have the choice to choose who to advertise with, just like we have the choice over what channel to watch?

I’m sure people may disagree with those choices, but that’s life surely?

From Twitter: https://twitter.com/andyf…

Age grade tackle height for all age groups will be below the armpit from next season https://t.co/69L638stc5

Age grade tackle height for all age groups will be below the armpit from next season https://t.co/69L638stc5

From Twitter: https://twitter.com/andyf…

Few more from the big boy camera – paddle boarding today at Preston

Few more from the big boy camera – paddle boarding today at Preston

From Instagram: https://www.instagram.com…

Few more from the big boy camera - paddle boarding today at Preston

Few more from the big boy camera - paddle boarding today at Preston

Few more from the big boy camera - paddle boarding today at Preston

Few more from the big boy camera - paddle boarding today at Preston

Few more from the big boy camera - paddle boarding today at Preston

Few more from the big boy camera - paddle boarding today at Preston

RIP Hartford XL aka Cathedral Tent – near 15 year old and survived everything, until one bl#%ping mouse got into the shed 😢🪦

RIP Hartford XL aka Cathedral Tent – near 15 year old and survived everything, until one bl#%ping mouse got into the shed 😢🪦

RIP Hartford XL aka Cathedral Tent - near 15 year old and survived everything, until one bl#%ping mouse got into the shed 😢🪦

RIP Hartford XL aka Cathedral Tent – near 15 year old and survived everything, until one bl#%ping mouse got into the shed 😢🪦

From Instagram: https://www.instagram.com…

I have duplicate OS Explorer (Orange) maps free to a good home – 304 (Darlingnton and Richmond), and 306 (Middlebrough and Hartlepool)

I have duplicate OS Explorer (Orange) maps free to a good home – 304 (Darlingnton and Richmond), and 306 (Middlebrough and Hartlepool)

From Twitter: https://twitter.com/andyf…

Up and out in the boards today, so early we beat the sun!

Up and out in the boards today, so early we beat the sun!

From Instagram: https://www.instagram.com…

Up and out in the boards today, so early we beat the sun!

Up and out in the boards today, so early we beat the sun!

Up and out in the boards today, so early we beat the sun!

Up and out in the boards today, so early we beat the sun!

Hating summer 😋 🥃

Hating summer 😋 🥃

Hating summer 😋 🥃

Hating summer 😋 🥃

From Instagram: https://www.instagram.com…

Real reason you don’t go paddle boarding when it’s windy – the car’ll take off! 💨

Real reason you don’t go paddle boarding when it’s windy – the car’ll take off! 💨

Real reason you don’t go paddle boarding when it’s windy - the car’ll take off! 💨

Real reason you don’t go paddle boarding when it’s windy – the car’ll take off! 💨

From Instagram: https://www.instagram.com…

If you want an example of a booming business in lockdown then look at @WaveSpas – couldn’t supply enough hot tubs a year ago, sadly didn’t invest that revenue in the customer service team judging by my experience and their @’s :-(

If you want an example of a booming business in lockdown then look at @WaveSpas – couldn’t supply enough hot tubs a year ago, sadly didn’t invest that revenue in the customer service team judging by my experience and their @’s 🙁

From Twitter: https://twitter.com/andyf…

First glances at iOS 15 from my perspective as a supposedly ‘power user’ (more like lazy user!) – Safari Tabs, I like this although I’m old school and like the difference between address bar and a search bar, guess I need to toll with it #iOS15 #safari

First glances at iOS 15 from my perspective as a supposedly ‘power user’ (more like lazy user!) – Safari Tabs, I like this although I’m old school and like the difference between address bar and a search bar, guess I need to toll with it #iOS15 #safari

From Twitter: https://twitter.com/andyf…